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About Us and Our Research

We are a Research Institution with a passion in utilizing Nutritional Science towards the improvement of Human and Animal health. Our researchers and partnerships comprise a considerable knowledge base and experience that solidify our dedication to pioneering scientific advancements in Human and Veterinary applications spanning Nutritional Biochemistry, Biochemical Regeneration, Health Restoration, Anti-Aging and Longevity.

Our core values are centered around our unique results-based philosophy in Health and Wellness. Our proven results allow us to take on difficult cases that haven't seen improvements with other disciplines or practitioners, move them forward and elevate peoples lives. We have decades of experience in the design and application of custom protocols and targeted nutrition methodologies that activate the body's natural healing faculties. We also utilize a variety of licensed research unique in the Holistic industry (and unavailable to other practitioners) to help advance progress in very sick clients that are severely toxic, resistant to progress, in burnout, suffering, rapidly degenerating, etc. We believe in and have demonstrated that where there's a will there's a way to improve health, maximize quality of life, improve personal performance, live long and live disease free.

Our transdisciplinary approach to Research, Development and Education draws on methods from traditional and contemporary disciplines spanning the Nutritive, Biomedical, Biological, Bio-engineering, Physical and Chemical Sciences, including Critical Thinking, Logic and Mathematics. Such wide-ranging efforts generate real testable hypotheses that spark new fruitful research that demonstrates proven results in our clients. Bio-engineering utilizes hands-on research and development to derive and implement solutions that draw upon experience with confirmed and documented real life cases; instead of rat and petri-dish studies. And Nutritional Biochemistry proves that a diet has to be appropriately designed to be nutritionally optimal and build the foundation in healing the body. This sets the foundation to train a new generation of captivated minds dedicated to the pursuit of solving complex health problems by applying ground-breaking research in Human and Veterinary Wellness.

Our courses build a solid foundation for students by first educating them on the principles and facets of the Scientific Method and how Science arrives at Knowledge and Truth. Integral to this process is the application of deep, time-intensive problem-solving skills that harvest our brain's critical thinking faculties to conceptualize and figure out proven solutions to complex health problems. We are retraining the minds of our next generation with proven Classical Critical Thinking Skills founded in Science, Logic and Rationality and placing them on the shoulders of Titans.


One of the primary roles of Biotech Health is in the advancement of Biochemical Regeneration Science with the integration of new analytical concepts, education, nutritional biochemistry and proven breakthrough advancements in healing clients. Our mission has always been to scientifically analyze all the concepts, theories, models, proposals and data spanning modern industry academia and all the way back to the father of biochemical healing, Hippocrates – identify inconsistencies, gaps, errors, etc., and implement corrections, solutions and further developments to the science.

We are the leading experts in Heavy Metal Toxicity, especially Mercury Toxicity, Copper Toxicity, Iron Toxicity, Lead Toxicity and Gadolinium Toxicity. Our safe and proven methodologies work in conjunction with the body's natural biochemistry to detox metals without the dangerous side-effects of chemical substances. Our clients recover successfully from complex dysfunctions in metal toxicity with our custom protocols and research methods, especially in situations where other protocols were not tolerated.

We have access to the latest natural compounds and procedures from Research Laboratories that expand our capabilities to achieve innovative results with our uniquely designed multi-modality protocols. Our protocols allow us to rebuild the body's biochemistry by upregulating cellular and organ function, synthesize hormones and enzymes, balance methylation, improve genetic expression, lengthen telomeres, upregulate the immune system online, etc. This is how the body is able to unleash its natural intrinsic healing forces that mediate deep cellular healing while bypassing the restrictive forces of toxicity.


Our multi-modality protocols are custom-designed with the intrinsic complexity to mediate a wide array of biochemical reactions:

  • Open multiple pathways and increase the body's ability to run its biological chemistry.

  • Down-regulate inflammatory cytokines and reduce chronic inflammation.

  • Increase Growth Hormone.

  • Regenerate stem cells which are necessary to create new cells and tissues.

Stem Cells Renew our Organs.png

The body must create at least 300 billion new cells daily to repair and replenish all organs

and tissues and to maintain the neuroendocrine, immune and cellular systems.

  • Increase autophagy and rid the body of damaged cells. Autophagy is a natural regeneration process that occurs at a cellular level in the body, reducing the likelihood of contracting some diseases as well as prolonging lifespan.

  • Increase Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF).

  • Stimulate neurogenesis and regrow brain cells.

  • Increase dentrites and dentritic branching, synapses, etc.

  • Promote mitochondrial production and the repair of damaged mitochondria.

  • Enhance mitophagy and eliminate unrepairable mitochondria.

  • Inhibit chromosome aberrations.

  • Promote the lengthening of telomeres and upregulate anti-aging effects.

  • Promote angiogenesis.

  • Regenerate new tissues.

  • Upregulate the function of the liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen and brain.

  • Enhance genetic expression and reduce or eliminate associated symptoms.

  • Balance adrenal and thyroid function.

  • Produce hormones and modulate their balance.

  • Regenerate white blood cells, natural killer cells, thymocytes, dendritic cells, T cells, etc. and mature them to bring the immune system online.

  • Increase cellular energy to regenerate tissues and increase immune function.

  • Detox heavy metals. You need proper cellular energy to detox metals, else you will struggle with and prolong detox.

  • Rejuvenate the body, increase energy and vitality.


These integral steps facilitate the body's natural healing forces to respond, repair and correct the biochemistry and restore health. The combination of regenerating stem cells, building new cells and new mitochondria is critical to healing, disease prevention, healthy aging and longevity.

Hippocrates, The Father of Modern Medicine, Nutrition and Minerals, taught us that the body has a Natural innate ability to heal itself. Our biochemistry has internal molecular enzymes and electromagnetic forces that mediate biochemical reactions on a daily basis to facilitate healing and maintenance for a lifetime. In fact, the body runs an average of 37 sextillion (i.e. 37,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) or 37 billion trillion biochemical reactions per second. The only external substances the body requires to perform these astronomical amounts of reactions are the essential nutritional building materials: minerals, vitamins, amino acids and fatty acids. This is achieved with the correct diet that supports the dynamics of cellular nutrition. An imbalanced and chronically ill body cannot heal on its own. It requires very specific ingredients in terms of diet and supplements to not only nourish the cells, but to perform Timely Biochemical Interventions (TBI) that are 'iterative' and 'incremental'. The healing concepts and methodologies of TBI, Iterations and Increments are taught in detail to our students in our Certification Programs. These are the prerequisites for the mediation of internal body processes necessary to 'iteratively' shift its biochemistry, align it in the proper direction and advance it forward along the proper path to allow for 'incremental' healing. Our custom protocols are systemic, in that they are designed to tap into the Natural cellular biochemistry of the body and facilitate TBI interventions for 'iterative' and 'incremental' corrections over time. True healing necessitates tapping into the Natural systems of the body and supporting them in correcting its biochemistry, rather than using Band-Aid solutions to "treat" and "suppress" symptoms which never correct the root of the problem.

"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease"

Hippocrates, The Father of Minerals, circa 400BC


At Biotech Health, we believe that the time and hard work we put into our research and innovation are integral in the success of our products and protocols as they consistently provide the best holistic healing methodologies to elevate the health and lives of our clients.

Nutritional Biochemistry

Our research is not solely confined to a lab environment and academics. We are scientifically versed in Nutritional Anthropology and known worldwide as Leaders & Educators in the History of Nutrition with targeted applications in Nutritional Biochemistry that promote and support the body's ability to heal itself. Our vision is to provide mankind with the insight it needs to be healthy, live well, live long and disease-free.


We have the cultural and environmental experience to be well-versed in the history of human subsistence patterns. The malnutrition and disease we’ve seen over the past 10,000 years of our Agricultural Revolution did not occur because of a lack of food. Societies  had enough food available to account for their peoples, except in times of famine. The answer to solving our health issues does not lie in more food, variety or different fad diets. The answer lies in nutrient dense foods that feed our cells and build our biochemistry to reverse and prevent disease.

The most important characteristic that separates humans from all other animals is our quite massive and very complex brain. We have the biggest brain-to-body ratio of any animal. Our large brains have over 100 billion cells, necessitate very high energy and need to be nourished with with over 100 nutrients that must be obtained from our diet every day. Our brain is less than 2% of our body weight but consumes 20% of our body's energy resources. So proper nutrition is crucial. Scientists have proven that the human brain has shrunk by 10% over the millennia and the major contributor is diet. This has resulted in decreasing IQ's, reasoning capabilities, critical thought and attention spans. The brain has a shield called the Blood-Brain-Barrier (BBB) that is designed to protect it from foreign/toxic substances; assuming one is consuming the right foods. But many of the foods we are eating today are breaching the BBB which results in the storage of toxins deep within the brain, thus derailing its biochemistry and functions. 


Our knowledge of nutrition across time, location and cultures is yet another component we use to improve the health of our clients. We are very unique in this industry in having first-hand experience with Nutrient Dense Foods utilized by long-living cultures around the world and understanding how specific foods directly affect our health. Decades of travel, research, dining with and getting to know cultural peoples have matured us with the dietary and lifestyle customs of Blue Zone and other healthy Traditional Cultures. There are many common features to be found in their diverse subsistence settings around the world, even if time and location are taken into consideration. Our scientific lab data sets and healing results are not only proven with our client base, but are also justified with data stemming from Traditional Cultures all over the globe.

Nutritional Biochemistry



Our Innovative Breakthroughs in Healing

We are known for and specialize in designing the proper programs that strategically correct the unique biochemistries of our clients. Our practice entails the utmost mathematical precision in protocol design, development and evolution. Only an accurate and optimal protocol can activate, promote and support the body’s natural innate abilities to systematically detox, restore minerals, correct its biochemistry and repair itself in iterative progression.


Health dysfunctions are rooted in nutritional deficiencies, imbalances and toxicities. This is the lowest level in which the body functions and the very level our protocols tap into to alter and correct the biochemistry. It is in effect a whole body renovation. By systemically addressing the metabolic issues in each iteration of a properly designed custom protocol for one’s biochemistry, the body is able to mediate the internal corrections necessary to repair and reverse dysfunctions. The body can only repair its dysfunctions when given the correct nutrients and other substances it needs in the proper formats, exact dosages, relative ratios, order and configuration according to its current biochemical snapshot shown by diagnostic testing.


It is crucial that the body is not given random supplements; and most importantly, not given supplements, foods and protocols it should not be having as this will inevitably lead to electrolyte loss, imbalances, derail the biochemistry,  prevent progress, waste precious healing time and make the patient worse.

Unlike other practitioners, we do not advocate a lifetime of taking supplements and becoming permanent residents of our programs. Our clients are known to stop taking supplements and getting on with their lives as soon as their biochemistry is repaired. Our success is founded on client independence and freedom from endlessly prescribed health interventions.


We are very happy and proud to announce that our clients are the first in the history of healing to have used a custom program to support and promote the body’s innate ability to systematically correct its biochemistry and eliminate the following dysfunctions:


  • Lyme Disease. We take pride in being the very FIRST in the industry to successfully assist the body in reversing Lyme with our systemic, biochemically correct and superior protocols that are founded in the Physics of Bionutritional Physiology.

  • Long Covid

  • Cervical dystonia

  • Inability to swallow and feeding tube dependence.

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Multiple Sclerosis. We take pride in being the very FIRST in the industry to successfully assist the body in reversing MS.

  • ALS. We take pride in being the very FIRST in the industry to successfully assist the body in reversing ALS.

  • Cancer

  • Autism

  • Fatal Sepsis

  • Antibiotic Resistant Infections

  • Anemia

  • Hemochromatosis. We take pride in being the very FIRST in the industry to successfully assist the body in reversing Hemochromatosis.

  • Catabolism, inability to gain muscle

  • Joint Degeneration, Disc Degeneration

  • Osteoporosis

  • MTHFR, COMT, VDR and other expressing genetic variants

  • Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes

  • Heart Disease, Clogged Arteries

  • Chronic Kidney Disease

  • Vitiligo. We take pride in being the very FIRST in the industry to successfully assist the body in reversing Vitiligo.

  • Tinea Versicolor. We take pride in being the very FIRST in the industry to successfully assist the body in reversing Tinea Versicolor.

  • Eczema

  • Psoriasis

  • Ileocecal valve dysfunction

  • IBS, Leaky Gut, Crohn's


We graciously thank all our clients and partners for continuing to inspire and support us in researching and developing superior solutions to health dysfunctions and in many instances, driving us to be the first in the industry to achieve such breakthroughs that defy, eclipse and supersede modern medicine and naturopathy.

Breakthroughs in healing

Protecting Our Clients

In your quest for health have you been pulled by practitioners in many conflicting directions via a chaotic web of protocols, fad diets, miracle supplements, contradictions, misinformation, genetic misrepresentations,  false research studies, dangerous detox protocols, etc?

Is this what healing is all about?

The answer is obviously no. Not only is there a better way, but there is a Correct and Optimal way.


You cannot possibly rebuild your biochemistry and heal when you are confusing your cells, hormones, enzymes, detox systems and organs with incorrect protocols, the wrong supplements, irrational ideas and the use of misinformation. This will derail and suppress your biochemistry and put it in hibernation. People have spent many years doing the wrong things to their bodies and getting nowhere.


Our breakthroughs in healing and our incredible success is founded on the conviction that True Knowledge and Real Answers do not come from a single source, authority, discipline, line of investigation or from the biased unethical tactics of cherry-picking studies. Even multiple highly respected so-called "authorities" that are now in "agreement" will eventually disagree with each other or admit to having the wrong information. This happens quite frequently in the world of Holistic Healing as every month ushers in a mishmash of new convoluted and conflicting ideas along with risky unproven methodologies and protocols.


What have we learned?

Patient results from the last century prove that narrow-mindedness and a failure to investigate and analyze popular claims to understand their Biochemical Mechanics and ramifications in the body will inevitably lead to failure. Patients do not improve when they are subject to the wrong methodologies, diets and protocols. And we see it all around us today. Patients need a proven system of healing that is founded in logic, rationality, correct science and results.


Consequently, we don't utilize the opinions, fallacies, contradictions and misinformation of others to copy and repeat their mistakes in our patients. Such unproven theories and errors will always lead to stagnation, increase in toxicity, cease the healing process and will severely hurt patients in the long run. 


We do not conform to popular speculative theories that have no proven justification to support their claims. These are blindly favored by many authorities and practitioners today and are completely abandoned tomorrow due to their failure in achieving results. Because we have our clients' best interests in mind we don't haphazardly operate in this close-minded, irrational and pernicious fashion. 


We are known to have the intellectual capacity, critical thinking skills and experience to rationally analyze claims, data and scenarios in order to logically figure out and prove things for ourselves. And that's why we stand behind our statements and methodologies. Hence why our clients trust us with all the confidence and security of being on the correct healing program for their unique biochemistry and health situation. This is what separates us from other practitioners and fuels our innovation and achievements.

“To find yourself, think for yourself.”  


And this is what all practitioners should be doing: critically thinking, conceptualizing, analyzing, rationally reasoning, testing, figuring things out, arriving at the correct information, proving their discoveries, innovating, leading, being an example to others and setting a standard. Time and again, logic has proven that this is the only way a practitioner can possibly have what it takes to design the correct protocols for their patients. Correct protocols cannot possibly be arrived at by mindlessly copying and applying the misinformation of others. Their patient's health is at stake, especially when chronic illness is involved.


​Popular as it may be, we don't sit around waiting to be spoon-fed nuggets of speculation by those who publish their unproven opinions in popular articles or social media. Sick clients cannot afford to rely on inexperience, speculation and trial & error when embarking a mission-critical healing program. They already wasted years or decades of their lives doing just that with many practitioners who were untrained in the Scientific Method and Biochemistry or were careless in allowing misinformation to enter their practice. Sick clients want proven solutions. They must see results. They need a reliable practitioner that helps them move forward in their healing journey. And this is the peace of mind we offer our clients.

We are steadfast in our objectivity by eliminating speculation, subjectivity and any margin of error by rationally analyzing and implementing a wide variety of proven approaches, especially from Science, Bio-engineering and Nutritional Biochemistry. We are known to synthesize information that is only proven to be true and eliminate all the contradictory chaos out there. Hence allowing us to design the proper dietary approach and supplement protocols that activate, promote and support the body's innate healing forces to correct the biochemistry and heal.


We are first and foremost, intellectuals, critical thinkers and proactive self-starters that grab the bull by the horns and take charge in academics, research and implementing solutions to complex problems. We rationally analyze situations and data and run tests and studies to prove our solutions. We never stop thinking, analyzing, testing, solving, confirming and innovating. We can't afford to. The health of our clients is at stake. Our clients depend on us. It takes a very unique skill-set and decades of experience in making it all happen, which is very difficult to come by in Holistic circles today.

These are the prima facie essential ingredients to true innovation and success in healing. And this is a testament to our breakthroughs, achievements and ultimately our client success stories.

“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been before.”  

Albert Einstein

Pulled by strings in chaos -
Protecting our Cliens
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